
Input page

Please feel free to use the inquiry form below to ask us any questions.

We manage any information we obtain from our customers in accordance with our privacy policy. We use the information to reply to your inquiries and to provide you with requested information and services, and we do not use the information for any other purposes.
N.B. Fields marked with * are required, so please make sure to fill them out.

Category of inquiry
Content of inquiry

※Please note that machine-dependent characters and signs may get garbled during transmission.

Preferred mode of response

N.B. Please leave a single space between your name and surname (e.g.: Adam Smith).


N.B. Please leave a single space between your name and surname (e.g.: Adam Smith).

Company name
Title / department

N.B. Alphanumeric characters (e.g.: 0123456789)
N.B. Please input your mobile number or any other telephone number so we may be able to reach you.

Fax number

N.B. Alphanumeric characters (e.g.: 0123456789)

E-mail address

Please input your e-mail address again.
N.B. Alphanumeric characters (e.g.:
N.B. Please input your e-mail address to which we may respond.
N.B. Your mobile phone may filter out e-mail messages from us.
Please make sure your mobile phone is properly set to receive email messages from

Privacy policy

Please see our privacy policy hear.

N.B. Please push this button only once.
N.B. Clicking on this button does not complete your inquiry process.
N.B. Please confirm your inquiry details on the confirmation page and then submit the inquiry.